Want to See Why I Think This Generation Is Doomed?

I have never seen a kid so excited about all the wrong things in life before. Skip ahead to 0:38 to witness something that I can only describe as anti-Darwinian.
This level of excitement, at that age, should be reserved for things that are on the opposite spectrum of, well, Pokemon and the life-altering accomplishment that is...one..shiny..pixelated...gameboy pony?
I am in no way a Pokemon hater, nor am I a Pokemon fan. I am simply aware of its existence, and yet I can say without a doubt this kid needs to do something else other than collecting pony sprites. Like watching porn. Or maybe an actual, in-the-flesh, real girlfriend. Some hiking would work too, as well as reading a book. And this is coming from a geek.

What do you think?

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  1. I was this excited when my friends bought me a ticket for the AC/DC concert. Or when I went to Paris. Or when I went to the Franz Ferdinand concert. And that time I realised a friend has a book I've been dying to read for the past 2 years. But Pokemon gets this kind of excitement? Man, all my books feel offended!

  2. "this kid needs to do something else [...]Like watching porn. Or maybe an actual, in-the-flesh, real girlfriend. Some hiking would work too, as well as reading a book."

    So you think this kid, who is playing video games, should...let's break this down. We have 'like watching porn' - first example, firm affirmation. Then comes the doubt cloud with it's rainy 'or', 'maybe' and - this one's my favorite - `an actual=intheflesh=real girlfriend`. So this doubt cloud has obvious sexual desires, while using the firm statement regarding the porn, but the receiver of those desires might not exist. So, recap: porn+ possible (who are we kidding? :) probable) masturbation."Some hiking would work too, as well as reading a book". SOME, WOULD,AS WELL AS. So he should stop playing games in order to watch porn, masturbate and maybe (pf, who are we kidding?;)) read a book, or climb some small hill in broad daylight. Right?
    We all had our version of 'games' when we were kids and older generations have always looked down on younger ones. It's not better to read a book, nor is it better to play a game. It just is. So stop judging. This is my 4th article I've read on your blog and I'm noticing a pattern, well a few patterns actually. Some are good, some are funny, but some are not.


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