Depressing Picture of North Korea's Capital City

This is one of the very few pictures we have of Pyongyang, made by a western photographer. 
It's a glimpse into the isolated and secluded land that is North Korea.
The city bears a semblance to a prison. It's cold, uniform colors, straight lines mirror the heavy oppression of individuality and non-conformity that the totalitarian regime imposes on the North Korean people.
There are no trees in this picture. Life is quenched by the compost, graveyard gray of the concrete and by the rigid architectural lines. No freedom of expression is allowed, no outside contact is permitted.
The city is indeed a prison: it keeps its people inside, and life,nature, optimism and free ideas outside.

What do you think?


  1. adevarat horror....

    asa ar fi aratat si Bucurestiul daca Ceausecu ar mai fi condus tara inca niste ani.
    Nu am vazut asta pana acum...
    multumesc pt foto

  2. trebui sa verifici new york curiozitate. Arata similar; desi sigur unghiurile foto sunt diferite si exista multe reclame...culori...dar esenta este aceeasi.

    Doar ca teoretic unii se afla in dictatura si ceilalti in democartie. Nu stiu care dintre ele este mai perversa fata de cetateni; cei care fura libertatea sau cei care o falsifica...


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