It's amazing how they let their character personas bleed into their real life. Or maybe the directing was so shoddy that they had to, or were let act their respective characters as if they themselves were there. In other word, Shatner is every bit as "cowboy-esque" as Kirk, Carrie is just as "princess-y"as Leia, and George...well....George isn't much like Sulu, now is he?Then again, Sulu actually stared ina number of fan-film (for free) as well as guest starred in a number of Babylon 5 episodes (he played a psycop, a sort of secret police for telepaths; in my opinion he was 2 strudels short of a Landa, but that's just me). So my theory is at most, by my own admition, only 2/3 accurate. Then again, Kirk always struck me as too arrogant, ignorant and cocksure; As for Leia, her only contribution to the Rebelion was teasing solo enough to keep him interested in that "small rag-tag group of freedom fighters". those were my 2 cents on the matter
Duminica, 15 ianuarie, ma aflam cu un amic pe Bd. Magheru in jurul orei 23:00. Dupa un ceai in oras, am decis sa vedem cu ochii nostri ce se intampla in centru. La sfarsitul serii, am regretat aceasta decizie. Dupa ce am vazut destul din proteste, am decis ca nu mai doream sa avem nimic de-a face cu manifestarile si ca era momentul sa ne ducem acasa. Pentru a evita multimea si actiunea de la Universitate, am luat-o pe Victoriei in intentia de a prinde un taxi la o intersectie. Intre timp ne-am si oprit la un supermarket non-stop, unde am luat mancare (pentru acasa, in general paine si altele pentru sandwichuri). La coltul cu Capsa, un grup de jandarmi ne-au oprit din drum si ne-au rugat sa asteptam langa cofetarie, pe Academiei. I-am intrebat de ce fac asta: raspunsul a fost ca ne retin un pic dupa care ne vor da drumul. Pe moment nu ni s-a parut atat de iesit din comun, dar pentru a nu agrava faptele am decis sa fim totusi rabdatori si sa terminam cat mai repede cu aceasta treaba. ...
Hey there! Whenever you've had a tasty fig or two, have you ever paused to ponder on big issues like mortality, the cycle of life and - what the heck are those crunchy bits inside the fig? The tiny hole at teh bottom of the fruit is called an ostiole - remember that. What is the connection between figs, wasps and the more philosophical questions about life, death and purpose? It's all in the very peculiar and amazing symbiotic relationship between the fig tree and the fig wasp. When you think of wasps, you're thinking of the black and yellow striped nuisance and pesky cousin of the more benign and lovable bee. In fact, if you were to take a look at the fig wasp, you'd have a hard time telling them apart from a mosquito with the naked eye - not to mention that the males of the species have an odd, wingless worm like appearance. But the destinies of this fascinating insect and the fig tree are intertwined: fig wasps ensure that new fig plants...
We're smart people. We live in a world where information is literally at our fingertips, and pretty much any answer can be found online, yet how much do we educated people know about facts and phenomenons we take for granted? Source: Wikipedia Sure, nobody's asking you to know everything - with Google, after all, you don't have to. Yet there are some things we do take for granted. Imagine you were alone in the middle of a green field - no internet, no help - and a curious child asks you a simple question: why is the Earth round ? What would you say? These little questions in life that have big implications - this is what this series is about. I've asked a few friends to answer a simple question: Why is the Earth Round? Here are some of their answers: And here are some of their (and other) answers, quoted: Andrei said: "The Earth is round because it's on an elliptical path around the Sun. Moreover, it is not completely round, it...
It's amazing how they let their character personas bleed into their real life. Or maybe the directing was so shoddy that they had to, or were let act their respective characters as if they themselves were there. In other word, Shatner is every bit as "cowboy-esque" as Kirk, Carrie is just as "princess-y"as Leia, and George...well....George isn't much like Sulu, now is he?Then again, Sulu actually stared ina number of fan-film (for free) as well as guest starred in a number of Babylon 5 episodes (he played a psycop, a sort of secret police for telepaths; in my opinion he was 2 strudels short of a Landa, but that's just me). So my theory is at most, by my own admition, only 2/3 accurate. Then again, Kirk always struck me as too arrogant, ignorant and cocksure; As for Leia, her only contribution to the Rebelion was teasing solo enough to keep him interested in that "small rag-tag group of freedom fighters".
ReplyDeletethose were my 2 cents on the matter