Too Sexy Durrrty For Her Highscool

So, this happened at Durango High Scool, Colorado, USA...
Student Sydney Spies got her high hopes crushed when the school rejected the picture she chose for her yearbook, considering it too sexy for the album.

The school allowed its students to pick out their own pictures for the upcoming yearbook, and Spies chose one that was considered too provocative. The school board defended its position stating that they do not wish to "diminish the quality of the award-winning yearbook with something that can be seen as unprofessional".
Dear old Sydney maintains her freedom of expression was infringed upon by the school board for disallowing her chosen picture.

I have to agree with the yearbook editor. It would have been unprofessional to include those pictures among other more conventional yearbook stills. They're not selling anything with that yearbook, no need for sideboob. There's no reason for one particular student to stand out for this kind of stuff in an otherwise conventional album. Maybe it would have been different if the theme of the yearbook revolved around sexy leitmotifs - bur right now, all we have is a slightly misguided young girl. Look, not saying her attempt was provocative enough to call this mishap a "controversy", but you gotta know when the time is right for mini-skirts and when its not.

As for "infringement of personal freedom"? Let's not get ahead of ourselves dear, your plight is not exactly ready to be cited along the history of oppression of African-Americans. Not sure the American constitution defends your right to disobey school yearbook regulations and policies.

What do you think?


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