Yvonne Strahovski And Naked Shoppers Are Proof Of Boobie Power

Hey you know, not a big fan of PETA or it's cheesy get-a-woman-naked to sell....uhm..sell...PETA (?) style of marketing.
But really, I do appreciate a beautiful lady. By the name of Yvonne Strahovski. Selling something.

Read about the ad here!


If you need any other remind that SEXY SELLS!...check out Desigual's latest ad campaign entitled...well, "Arrive half naked - leave fully dressed".

Shoppers in Germany were offered huge discounts if they turned up in their underwear, and the campaign worked because half-naked people flocked not only to be the first 100 customers at the store (these people would receive free stuff), but also because it attracted fully-clothed people who showed up to watch the nekkid peeps. And I think this is genius: Desigual combined our inborn love for FREE SCHTUFF with the irresistible lure of solid price cuts and, of course, the voyeuristic "i-want-to-see-naked-sexy-people" kind of lure that sells porno and tabloids.
If you want a measure of how successful this was, you should know the police forced the store to open 30 minutes earlier from fear of some sort of naked mob rioting - that's because 500 people had queued up overnight, semi-naked, for the promotion.
Read more about it here.

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