Man Throws Own Intestines At Cops - And More Zombie Stuff

So this bit of crazy hit the news yesterday: police officers in Hackensack, New Jersey, responded to reports of a man, 43-year-old Wayne Carter, barricaded in a room with the intention of harming himself. If you're feeling a little bit of a crazy vibe, just wait till you see what happened next.

Lt. John Heinenmann said they burst into the room only to see Carter holding a knife. Then they did the sensible thing of telling Carter to put the knife down - which of course the man decided he was going to ignore, and proceeded to stab himself . In the legs. And the neck. And the abdomen. You'd expect someone to hit the floor after the first couple of stabs. Not this guy.

The police officers probably realized that they had to knock this guy out before he turns himself into a pasta strainer, and attempted to subdue the suicidal Carter with pepper spray. It had the same effect as throwing a green pepper at an angry guard dog: absolutely nothing.

And here's where it gets creepy. Not content with his current record of self inflicted knife injuries, the zombie-like pepper spray-impervious Carter cut off pieces of skin, then he cut pieces of his exposed intestines ... and threw them at the police officers.

Kinda like this, but more human-y and more intestine-y.

The cops called "Game Over" over this turn of events and decided to do the only rational thing when dealing with zombies - call the big guns. They requested help from the local SWAT team which managed to subdue the man and Carter was taken to a hospital.

Remember guys: double tap, aim for the head. If you get bitten you might as well shoot yourself.
Lt. Heinenmann says no charges were filed because the unusual nature of the case, but he does believe substance abuse may have played a part in Carter's behavior. Although that's unconfirmed, Carter does have have a previous police record for aggravated assault and resisting arrest.

This isn't the first sign of an impending zombie apocalypse (or some other weird apocalypse) either. Last week, a man in Miami was killed by the police after he was caught eating the face off his victim. The whole thing was very Silence Of The Lambs-y. A road ranger noticed the naked cannibal chewing on another person's face, and authorities were alerted, as a police officer approached after being alerted by a female pedestrian. The officer used his loudspeaker to talk the man into walking away from his victim, but in the end it took a few gunshots to take the cannibal down. How many? Not one, not two, not even three - at least 6 shots were sufficient to end the man's face chewing frenzy. Authorities have claimed they believe the reason for the man's behavior was something called "cocaine psychosis", which severely affects behavior and leads the afflicted person to strip naked in order to try to cool off.

Crazy week... are we really looking at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse?

Well... fuck.

Source: NBC New York


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