Quickies of Today

Google 2011 Retrospective

Google offers us a video retrospective of 2011, by looking at what the world searched. After watching it, I can say it does have an optimistic, faith-in-humanity hum to it. Enjoy it here.

War In Iraq Officially Over

Today marks a very important day for the US war effort in Iraq. Namely, that it’s over! In a symbolic ceremony held in Baghdad, US Secretary Leon Panetta declared the war officially over.
This controversial conflict has had a significant number of casualties. The United States sent 1.5 million troops, suffering 4500 casualties of war, and 30 000 wounded. This is in stark contrast with the Iraqi Security forces, that suffered a staggering 16 000 casualties. The exact number of civilian deaths is still to be released, but it’s estimated to be very high.
Now, I can’t help but think of the first war in Iraq where there was also a striking disparity in casualties, and what Bill Hicks used to say about “sending over 80 guys to win the war” (the US lost 79 troops in that conflict). Today’s Iraqi War was nevertheless bloody, controversial, prolonged and much debated.
Personally, I’m thankful it’s over. I could go into great detail about American policy of “fighting for peace”, i.e. the irony of waging a war in the name of peace, but suffice to say I can’t help but frown whenever some US head holds a speech about this kind of war being fought for “the liberation of X people”, “justice”, “principle” and not oil, money or political power. All I know is, if you’re the top bully in your school, you have to keep up your reputation and keep bullying.
Ironically, although US troops will leave Iraq, around 15 000 people will remain behind to operate the embassy. 15 thousand embassy employees? Really? That's as thin a cover up as you can get. Read more and more.

Superhero Girls Against Breast Cancer

We all know cancer sucks. And we all know breast cancer sucks. Even as a guy I see breast-cancer awareness ads and campaigns all over the media, so it’s  refreshing to see how much care ladies put into their fun bags. Recently an ad company from Mozambique released a campaign portraying famos super hero females checking their boobies – the message being that nobody, not even Wonderwoman or Catwoman, is immune to breast cancer. Looks like a good way to remind women to do a monthly self-examination to me…  Check it out.

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