Food Ads Make You Fat?!?
We all know there's a ton of stuff in our urban lives that make us fat. Fast food makes us fat and we know it. Drinking sugary sodas and fizzy drinks makes us fat. Every day new studies and magazine articles scare the confidence out of us with new results that slowly paint a picture in our heads: this fucking world wants to make us FAT by any means. Well, I'm here to shake that confidence a little bit more, unfortunately. Say you stay away from fats foods and sugary drinks already, and put lots of veg and fruit in your diet. Say you work out a couple of days a week and you think you're pretty much safe from random obesity. About the only unfit thing you do is the car ride to and back from work every day, so it's no surprise your reward yourself with a nice little downtime each day, say watching your favorite TV show. Nothing wrong could possibly go wrong and make you fat now, can it? WRONG. That's right fuckface - it's the only exercise you'll do a...