10,000 Year Old Mammoth Found Perfectly Preserved!
They found Peaches! In science-y news that make me happy in my manly bits, the BBC reported the discovery of a perfectly preserved, 10k year old baby mammoth. ( link ) Now, usually when scientists use terms like „perfectly preserved”, I find they actually mean undamaged skeletons, or, as was the case of another frozen mammoth found a few years back, specimens that present stuff like hair and other non-bone materials. No, this time it’s 100% preserved. Take a look at those pictures and feel free to comment „FAKE” as much as you want. That was my first reaction, but it’s genuine. See for yourself in the BBC video . The remarkable hair color has been preserved The specimen is a juvenile, aged 2 or 2 and a half years old, affectionately called Yuka by scientists. The ice has preserved its flesh, skin and strawberry blonde hair –even the trunk is intact! Which can only mean one thing - THEY'VE FOUND PEACHES! Peaches will apparently meet an unt...